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It is a small cutter built for Jean-Claud' grand children.

Jolie Brise is a piot cutter from le Havre. The scale is 1/33.

Curieuse is a Ketch of polar exploration which was launched in 1912. The hull is doubled in zinc. The scale is 1/20 .

A venitian gondola. The scale is 1/10 (length: 1,11 m) This model built with the help of the techniques studied in the Tramouline shipyard in Venise. Jean-Claude  has used the 6 different wood essences which have been used for centuries.

Thalassa is an imaginary schooner created by Jean-Claude. The scale is 1/20.

Notre Dame de Rumengol is a sand barge of Brest. The scale is 1/20.

Galaxie is a trawler. The scale is 1//10. It is now in the managing offices of Benetau shipyard.

The tug Arpec is a full metal construction. The scale is 1/25.

Pen Kalet is a sardine cutter from Brittany. The scale is 1/20. It is the first of a series of mini navigating models.

Gwen Mor is a small breton trawler. The scale is 1/20.

Juliette is a sharpie equipped with a pivoting drift. The scale is 1/20.

Seabird is a cutter from Bres. She is the replica of an America yacht of 1910. The scale is 1/12.

Seagull is a cutter belonging to Yann Maufret, from the Guip shipyard, it was built at 3 scale : 1/33, 1/20 et 1/19. An out serie of MRB is dedicated to her.

Antinéa :  many MRB issues show the building of this boat. ( MRB is a French model boat magazine)

A lobster boat from Camaret : Red Atao.

Bautier de Barfleur is a taiter from the Cotentin. The scale is 1/20. It is Jean-Claude's favorite boat. He built 3 copies of her one, of them is in the Maritime Museum of Paris.

Lou Anne, small cutter with weighted drif that Jean-Claude made for his grandchildren. How lucky they are !


Association governed by the law of July 1st,1901, registered on April 6th, 1912 N 155 197
Approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports N ° 11863 of May 26th, 1952



Last update : 2024/11/30