A click on the 1st photo to enlarge it, then you will be able to scroll the photos of the page

52. The cutter Estelle II finite.

51. Main gaff topsail setting.

50. Adjusting the main sail boom and tackle of main sheet .

49. Gaff adjustement.

48. Encornat.

46. The tackle of the jibsail.

47. Windlass and tack of the staysail.

45. Close up on the triggings screw..

44. Fittings of the bowsprit equipped with the forestay and the jibsail.

43 The topcastle

42 The rollers chocks

41. Some finished blocks.

40. The control of runner and tackle.

39. The windlass.

38. The bars of the martingale guy. The rollers are functional.

37. The fitting of the boom.

36. The bobstay.

35. Set up on the deck of the annex.

33. The decklight in the center of the boat.

34. The front cover with its functional closure.

32. Implementation of the doghouse, view of the starboard facade and the rear.

31. Overview of the completed hull layout.

30. For those who want to give a little realism to the fittings that in size is bronze, here's how to give a bronze look to brass.After multiple tests, and not wanting to betray the quality of the realization of the pieces, here is what I propose.It is a patina based on tin-colored wax, mixed with colors for apple green stained glass and white to simulate the greenness. We can also add aluminum powder.All this comes from the art supply store..

29. The hull is painted. The deck slats had 4 coats of matte varnish, the liston and the central slats 3 coats of glossy varnish.

28. The hull had 5 coats of paint with sanding between each coat.

To follow Estelle II's sailing

27. The central deadwood with its decklight. The set received 7 varnish layers.

25. The fore descent finihed and varnished with 7 coats. The hood is functional.

26. The dog house is finished, painted (3 coats) and  varnished (7 coats). The hood is functional.

24. The sailboat is not even finished that a part of the crew is already here, ready to fight.

22. The dinghy is finished. The paint is white satin with  a bluish grey line.

21. The dinghy in primer. I managed to hide most of the defects......

23. Here is the result of a workweek: 27 simple blocks, 17 double blocks, 6 triple blocks and two violin blocks before painting.I hope it's enough…

20. The "rough and ready" dinghy. The  hull was clinker built. It is my first hull made this way.I am not satisfied, so I will make another one. Dimensions: length: 150 mm, master bau: 85 mm. Let's see the result when the painting is done.

19. Presentation of the tip of the bowsprit situated on the deck. The whole bowsprit is not made yet.

18. Presentation of the tip of the bowsprit and the encornat. The whole bowsprit is not made yet.

17. Gooseneck.

16. Realization of the master of the dinghy. Scale 1/15.

15. Presentation of the superstructures on the deck.

14. Presentation of the sliding panel on the front hood .

13. Close-up on the small decklight in progress.

12. Decklight and fore hood  in progress.

11.Close-up on the well and the access to the dog house(not finished).

10. A Trick to align a very high mast , laterally and lengthwise with a slope from 3 to 6 °.

9.The slats of deck.

8. The system that works the sheets: 1 winch for the mainsail and 2 winches for the fore sails.

5. Construction of the master, the modification of the stern.

7. The molded hull having received its 1st layer of primer before the first sanding. View of the top of the bow, the stern, the front and 3/4 port.

3. Construction of the master, the pose of the first strakes .

6. Construction of the master, after the first layer of primer.

4. Construction of the master, pose of the last strakes  on the keel.

2. Construction of the master, checking the alignment of the constructional sections.

1. Setting up the construction site for the realization of the master.

Estelle II is an extrapolation of Estelle which I love piloting, because she navigates very well. Finding that she is not enough "stiff in the cloth", which means that she doesn't list enough, I wanted to build the same model in a bigger scale. I chose 1/15. the hull is about 1,47m long.Some modifications were brought: the doghouse is very different, the stern was modified to increase the waterline, thus the model has a better resistance to the list.


1880Association governed by the law of July 1st,1901, registered on April 6th, 1912 N 155 197
Approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports N ° 11863 of May 26th, 1952



Last update : 2024/11/30