Le San Julian II
With its JMC machine of 3 cm3 only, the steam of the Amazon San Julian II and his 15 kilos of about one hour of navigation and a regulated service pressure of 3 bars.With its JMC machine of only 3 cm3, the steam of the Amazon San Julian II and its 15 kilos sail about more than an hour and a half at a regulated operating pressure of 3 bars.

Tug Ulysse.
First navigation : With its coupled pump, the JMC 8.5 cm3 twin-cylinder gives the boat a range of over one hour and 15 minutes, and a full de-oiler will stop the navigation.As a bonus, I mounted my FPV system to spice up navigation. The JMC whistle can sing loudly.

Tug Abeille 13.
Test Length: 1,16 m, width, 0,30 m, draft: 0,10 m, weight 17 kilos; 8.5 cm3 machine and whistle JMC .No problem of operation, the hour of autonomy is reached and limited by the size of the oil separator important however. The 28mm vertical burner is a bit weak and allows the pressure to stabilize at 15 PSI. The steam safety valve is set to 45 PSI.

Tug Ulysse.
First navigation of the boat in its final configuration, everything is fine and the power is at the rendezvous.

Tug Ulysse
Test : The problems I have seen confirm my desire to always test my boat first in the bathtub. Indeed, without ballast, the boat capsized (I added 4 kilos of lead to put it in its water line) and I found a significant leak at the bypass valve level. Nothing nasty, but impossible to correct at the edge of a body of water. Besides that, the observed autonomy exceeds the hour, with use of the whistle!

Tug TypeTID
First navigationWith its Typhoon Motors TM2 machine, its 100 x 250 mm boiler and its 70 mm quadripal propeller from Protean Design, the replica of port tug of the second war has an autonomy of over 1.5 hours at a pressure more or less equal to 2 bars.

Tug Type TID
Test  No problem during the test of autonomy of this British tug type TID used during the Second World War. The Typhoon Motors TM2 machine (4.5 cm3 with cylindrical valves) is a model of efficiency and economy. The observed autonomy is close to the hour with a moderate use of the whistle.The double diaphragm regulatoris from Microcosm and the whistle from JMC.

With her machine Typhoon, this Christiaan Brunings, TM2, her boiler JPB 100 x 200 mm, a JMC tonic whistle and a basic 70 mm four-bladed propeller , the 10 kilos ship has an autonomy of 45 minutes within 2 working pressure bar.

The beautiful cool weather allows me to test the autonomy of the model trawler boat and the filling time of the electric pump. With it, the autonomy of the boat is that of the gas, about 1 hour 15.

This first navigation allowed me to check that all is well on the boat, except a whistle a little weak, that the power is at the rendezvous and that the autonomy exceeds the hour thanks to the water pump.

Capped with its superstructure, the steam tug easily draws a dinghy.

What's more relaxing than a quiet model boat navigation by a magnificent Sunday ... November ... Hardly troubled by the sound of the whistle ... Leidenschaft dampfboot...

What a pleasure for me, the project is valid, the Anton Cristal 3.1 cm3 steam plant works perfectly, allows more than 35 minutes of navigation, and the rudder authorizes majestic corners. Everything will be perfect when the whistle sing. As a bonus, a navigation in concert with Christian's HJEJLEN (side wheels). Dampfbarkasse

Other videos are available on Raphaël's channel at the following address https://www.youtube.com/user/rhavrane

This first navigation allows Raphaël to check the quality of the Stuart D10 engine made by his friend Max, and to see how to improve the steamer. Unfortunately, two successive incidents have interrupted the tries. The  autonomy is 1h30.

The river steam tug boat Jacques.

A bucolic navigation of the rowboat Liva I.

First navigation of the tug boat Côte d'Émeraude equipped with a Stuart D10 engine.


1880Association governed by the law of July 1st,1901, registered on April 6th, 1912 N 155 197
Approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports N ° 11863 of May 26th, 1952



Tug Ulysse
Test : The problems I have seen confirm my desire to always test my boat first in the bathtub. Indeed, without ballast, the boat capsized (I added 4 kilos of lead to put it in its water line) and I found a significant leak at the bypass valve level. Nothing nasty, but impossible to correct at the edge of a body of water. Besides that, the observed autonomy exceeds the hour, with use of the whistle!

Last update : 2024/10/04