After a presentation of his hull boat displayed, Eric makes sail his boat in its standard configuration, ie superstructures laid according to the reference plans obtained from the Navy.

Eric made this boat on the basis of the plans of the French Navy and equipped it with a PM research machine of 8 cm3 with a Microcosm recharge pump. The wayward burner will disrupt navigation, but not prevent it.

Eric has built an engine and a boiler with pieces from Microcosm (Jianzhong dông) and Pendlesteam ( Nigel TRAFFORD-JONES) for a tug boat equipped with two propeller shafts.

You feel as if you were the captain of the puffer!

An impressive navigation, as if you were aboard the puffer. The sound of the steam engine is very realistic.

Hightlanders or puffers were small coasters which transported  peat on the river Clyde in Scotland.

One of the first navigations of Éric's puffer  at the festival of model making in Massy Palaiseau.

1880Association governed by the law of July 1st,1901, registered on April 6th, 1912 N 155 197
Approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports N ° 11863 of May 26th, 1952

Eric made a boiler which saves him nearly 600 g. That's a lot for this thin boat of around 4 kg equipped with a Salto V4PR machine.
The boat is already working perfectly at around 1 bar. Eric just has to sort out the problems with his burner turning off unexpectedly.

After relighting the wayward gasoline burner, Eric resumes navigation of his Dutch SNIP steam river tug fitted with a Saito T2DR set and his Saito boiler as well.
At 30 PSI, the power is there, the machine easily takes its two 50 mm quafdripale propellers!




Last update : 2024/11/30